Our personnel are our most important asset

Approximately 1,000 top professionals in rolling stock strengthen our expertise daily

Our skilled personnel are the core of our success

We value our employees and take care of their expertise, motivation and well-being in many ways.

We succeed in day-to-day life through appreciation, good cooperation and supervisory work. Investing in competence development and responsible management is important to us. We commit our employees to changes by engaging them and by listening to them, and we regularly measure the job satisfaction of our employees.


VR Academy training reinforces the professional skill of our employees

VR Academy is VR Group's internal training environment that brings together and makes visible the training and development opportunities provided by the Group. The purpose of the Academy is to strengthen our personnel’s professional skills both individually and particularly in the areas key to reaching the goals of our businesses.

The training portfolio of the Academy includes both in-house and external courses, mentoring and training programmes to choose from. In addition, the on-going Ura Raiteilla (“Career on Tracks”) pilot project encourages our employees and offers various tools for self-development.