Beautiful aerial picture with a view of a lake and a motorway

We are committed to ecological sustainability and environmental responsibility

We create the conditions for the efficient use of the fleet and ensure business operations align with environmental goals

VR FleetCare has chosen a path that spares natural resources  

We aim to take into account the ecological sustainability of environmental safety activities and responding to and foreseeing the environmental expectations of customers and society. This means taking environmental responsibility, continuous development of processes and best practices, increasing the awareness of the personnel, commitment to the principles of the relevant standards and open communication.

VR FleetCare takes environmental matters into account in all of its business operations. We provide our employees with the necessary orientation, training and resources to take care of the environment and act responsibly. Each VR FleetCare employee is responsible for taking into account the appropriate management of environmental matters in their activities. The management of environmental matters and commitment to the principles of environmental activities also extend to subcontractors and material suppliers.

The mitigation of climate change is a key factor influencing environmental activities. Energy efficiency and the share of renewable energy are important environmental goals for the maintenance. Energy efficiency is affected, in addition to the actual technological degree of efficiency, by operative logistic efficiency. By keeping the rolling stock in a reliable and safe condition, maintenance creates the prerequisites for the efficient use of the rolling stock, thereby ensuring that the operations comply with the environmental goals.

Maintaining rolling stock with solar power

Trains are maintained using electricity produced by one of Finland's largest solar power plants.

VR Group has made a breakthrough in its own energy production. A solar power plant has been installed at Helsinki Depot, and with the energy it produces, trains can be serviced in a more environmentally friendly manner. The solar power plant, commissioned in late 2020, is one of Finland's largest, with a nominal capacity of 928 kWp. The solar power system was procured through collaboration between VR Group's real estate unit and its subsidiary VR FleetCare, which maintains the rolling stock.