Writer of the blog Inari Tykkä

Inari Tykkä, Project Manager

BLOG International transport solutions for rolling stock projects

In line with our growth strategy, we seek growth in neighbouring areas in the Nordic and Baltic countries by participating in international maintenance tenders. With international tenders, we are also able to design completely new types of logistics solutions. The year 2020 was significant for us in many ways, as we were also able to implement the first international rolling stock transport solution for FleetCare. This was recently continued when the rolling stock was brought from Europe to Finland for modernisation.

Author: Inari Tykkä, Project Manager

The first challenge in these projects is the burden of history, meaning the wider rail network. Finland has a wider track gauge than the rest of Europe, which must be taken into account when moving rolling stock from the border to our locations. On the other hand, a challenge like this shapes us as a company to be more flexible as we dare to develop diverse and new ways to bring the vehicles to the destination. After all, massive rolling stock maintenance projects require courage and confidence to do things your way.

Utilising different modes of transportation and learning from each project, I am confident that we can offer a comprehensive service to international customers with efficient logistics solutions. I have stated that good planning goes a long way, and holistic project management is emphasised on the international stage. However, these projects must always be flexible enough so that we can modify the plans if necessary. More than 150 years of experience in rail transport has been an absolute trump card to solve these challenges. Still, we also need knowledgeable, reliable and flexible partners to implement challenging logistics solutions. So far, however, I am pleased that cooperation has been seamless in all areas.

At the beginning of the year, we were able to plan a new international rail transport. This time, the playing field was not only the Nordic countries but also Central Europe, and the destination was the Finnish-Swedish border town of Tornio.  In the end, we ended up with a solution to bring the wagons to Finland by rail, which is both fast and cost-effective. From Tornio onwards, we utilise road transportation that allows the wagons coming for maintenance to be transported to our locations in Pieksämäki and Oulu.

Each transport is always a unique experience, from which we learn new things for future projects. Various wagons and other rolling stock will certainly be transported to Finland for maintenance in the future as well. The fact that we are learning to make use of different international modes of transport, by rail, sea and road, will, in any case, serve smooth rail transport. However, the success of these projects requires good partners, flexibility and a fearless attitude in combining new innovative modes of transportation. We are confident that based on these developments, we will improve our operations and create more sustainable and flexible solutions for future equipment projects.


Inari Tykkä, Project Manager

[email protected]

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